Vicknasingam B, Navaratnam V
Centre for Drug Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang
Correspondence: Dr Navaratnam V
CITATION: Vicknasingam B, Navaratnam V. A behavioural study on intravenous drug use and HIV/AIDS knowledge in Malaysia. International Medical Research Journal. 1999;3(1):45–9.
A profile of risky behaviour patterns (injecting behaviour and sexual behaviour) among intravenous drug users with reference to HIV/AIDS has been established. Bandura's social learning theory (1976) and Fishbein & Ajzen (1975) social psychological model formed the basis for this study. Knowledge, attitude and belief were used as predictors to determine significance of individual factors in influencing addicts to practise risky behaviour. The results indicate that subjects had good knowledge of and a positive attitude towards HTV/AIDS. Cultural factors had some bearing on their belief. Economic, peer and government policy were three variables tested to determine the significance of external factors in influencing addicts to practise risky behaviour. All three variables showed a positive relationship to the practice of risky behaviour among addicts thus confirming the significance of external factors. Results also show that in spite of having a sound understanding of the epidemic, subjects still maintained a risky lifestyle. External and situational factors exert greater influence on an addict to continue with risky behaviour vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS.
KEYWORDS: behaviour patterns, HIV/AIDS, intravenous drug use