Vythilingam I, Jeffery J1, Mahadevan S1 and Radzi M1
Entomology Division, Institute for Medical Research, Jalan Pahang, 50588 Kuala Lumpur
1. Department of Parasitology/Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
CITATION: Vythilingam I, Jeffery J, Mahadevan S, Radzi M. Coelomomyces infection in mosquito larvae in Peninsular Malaysia. International Medical Research Journal. 1997 Dec;1(2):133–35.
During a survey for biological control agents of mosquito larvae, a variety of larval habitats, including rubber cups (2,506), artificial containers (200), coconut shells (94), bamboos (25), tins (12) and tree hob (11) were examined from all states, except Penang, in Peninsular Malaysia. The following species of mosquito larva were examined, namely Aedes albopictus (56,217), Aedes aegypti (104), Aedes spp. (5,378), Armigeres (Ar) spp. (9,924), Armigeres (Leicesteria) spp (31), Anopheles vagus (39), An. subpictus (23), Anopheles kochi (1), Anopheles spp. (21), Culex spp (1367), Tripteroides spp (133) and Toxorhynchites spp (138). The fungal pathogen, Coelomomyces. the sporangial stage of which is capable of causing high mortality in mosquito larvae, was isolated from 228 Ae. alhopictus and 3 Armigeres (Ar.) spp. All the isolates were identified as Coelomomyces stegomyiae stegomyiae. This species is recorded from Ae.albopictus from all the states surveyed and from Armigeres (Ar) sp. from Selangor and Kelantan.
KEYWORDS: Coelomomyces, mosquito larvae, distribution