Nazni WA, Lee HL, Yahya A, Sa'diyah l and Tadano T
Division of Medical Entomology, Institute For Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; * IMR-JICA Collaborative Project in Selected Tropical Diseases
CITATION: Nazni WA, Lee HL, Yahya A, Sa’diyah l, Tadano T. Current resistance status of the house fly, Musca domestica (L.) in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. International Medical Research Journal. 1997 Jun;1(1):31–8.
Field strains of adult house flies (Musca domestica) collected from the Cameron Highlands, Pahang were tested against insecticides commonly used in Malaysia. The adult resistance status was determined using WHO standard bioassay with slight modifications and rapid enzyme microassay test. The WHO susceptible strain was used as a standard strain for comparison purpose. The LT50 value was determined, and based on this, the resistance ratio was calculated. The adult female flies have developed high resistance to malathion with estimated resistance ratios of> 86.6, 32, 86.6 and 3x for flies collected from Ringlet, Kuala Terla, Brincang and Kampung Raja, respectively. These strains also showed development of resistance to pyrethroids. The rapid development of resistance could be due to the intensive agricultural usage of insecticides. Non-specific esterase microassay indicated no significant differences between the control and the field populations. Hence, this indicates that other enzymes are involved in development of resistance and esterases could not be playing a major role in the resistance of house flies. On electrophoresis analysis of esterase patterns, the Ringlet strain showed intense stained bands compared to all the other strains. As such the actual role of esterases in house fly resistance in this strain cannot be conclusively determined at this point of time.
KEYWORDS: Musca domestica, insecticides, esterase-based mechanism